Hasanah Bersama Rakyat @ UMK Kelantan


KELANTAN, 10th MARCH 2018 – BriTay Asia was partnering up with Khazanah Nasional in conducting Hasanah Bersama Rakyat event under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. The event was held at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Jeli Campus from 8.00 AM – 3.00 PM. The prestigious event was officiated by Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry.

Our booth was located at a very strategic location which was near the hall entrance. Our location has enabled us to oversee and attract all visitors to come and join us to enliven our booth.

Through this event, we had prepared several interesting activities specially designed for our target audiences which are local communities, undergraduates and postgraduates students. Some of the activities are Career Consultation and Curriculum Vitae (CV) Clinic & Interview Skills. Through Career Consultation, our expected outcome was for our target audiences to be able to rethink, review and revise their decision in choosing a suitable career path in their life. As for Curriculum Vitae (CV) Clinic & Interview Skills, we had prepared multiple slots for the clinic to be held several times to ensure our audiences will not miss any crucial information regarding resume crafting. Through this clinic, we hoped that participants will be able to escalate and express all their doubts and questions regarding resume crafting for clear explanations so that they can create their own preferred resume according to correct and latest format.

Other than those two mentioned activities above, BriTay with the collaboration of Khazanah Nasional Berhad also prepared a special slot of One-to-One Curriculum Vitae (CV) & Interview Consultation. There were seven (7) exuberant consultants who were fully prepared to answer any inquiries regarding CV and interview tips. This session was a bit different than the resume clinic which was targeted for a large crowd. As for the one-to-one session, it was designed so that participants will be exposed to specific CV and interview settings according to their own preferred jobs and industries.

Meeting with Assiddiq - Britay Asia
Mr Muhammad Assiddiq Ramizan, SL1M Project Head facilitating CV Clinics and Interview skills for visitors
Khazanah Nasional booth, located at the entrance of the main hall.
Khazanah Nasional booth, located at the entrance of the main hall.

Throughout the implementation of this event, we could hold our head high and proudly say that we have achieved our objective which is to provide career-related talk and consultation to local community especially students be it from diploma, bachelor’s degree or master level. To add, we also did not miss any chances to promote SL1M-Green Program under Khazanah Nasional Berhad to fresh graduates who are looking for an excellent career path.

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Pn. Elyani Iza, Human Resource Manager consulting fresh graduates on their career path.

In addition to our success in conducting the event, we also have been graced with a visitation by one of Khazanah Nasional board of director, Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof, Director, and Executive Committee (EXCO) Chairman. Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof has personally congratulated us on our success in filling the event with fruitful and beneficial activities.

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Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof, one of the Board of Directors under Khazanah Nasional visited our booth.

We also managed to take a picture with all Khazanah Nasional team members together with Tan Sri Md Nor Md Yusof before the event ended.

Photo Session with Hasanah - Britay Asia
Group photo session taken with all Khazanah Nasional team members & BriTay Asia staff.

In conjunction to this success, we do hope that we can be a part of other events so that we can showcase our expertise in making any event as a successful one. Apart from being successful, we also hope to one of the organizations that can continuously contribute to our surrounding community.