24th November 2018 - 25th November 2018 BriTay Asia Manufacturing […]
SL1M-BriTay Induction Day (Class 28 & 29)
KUALA LUMPUR, 5th FEBRUARY 2018 – Today marks the day where BriTay Asia (M) Sdn. Bhd. has managed in recruiting 91 BriTay Management Trainees (BMT) for the first batch of intake in 2018. The trainees will be divided into their respected classes which are class 28 & 29. The program was participated by many fresh graduates from various academic background.
The induction day was officiated by Tn. Hj. Ata Mohd Isa, our Legal & Finance Director. Tn Hj Ata delivered his welcoming speech to the trainees with vibrant and energetic appearance. While addressing the trainees, Tn Hj Ata also did not miss the chance to share his expectations on the trainees toward the program. To add, Tn Hj Ata shared some insights of the meaning in being a top talent within an organization.
Along the induction process, our SL1M Team played an important role in debriefing trainees about the ground rules of the programs, conducting ice-breaking sessions, class representative nomination & selection, question & answer sessions and accommodation check-in.
We congratulate and welcome all selected trainees to join our SL1M programme and we wish them best of luck in their endeavor looking for the best career of life.